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The Very End
S3 licensed
I was aiming at your totall ability to write something of value. Frammaris have a point, and if you cannot be bottered to take 5 minutes to write a propper respons to why you disagree with him then don't write at all.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from MrSam :Just lol

Explain why you just "lol", instead of writing like a imbecile.

Alltho both you and me know what he means, and I somewhat agrees with Frammaris. The community is the one that actually has done a proofable (is that even a word?) amount of work these last years. Other than that we only have been told things are according to plan.

And to the guy above that asked me what I would do with other projects and things outside the computer when things do not go according to my wishes? I complain, then I do something else. It's not like I go armageddon on the big bad corporations because I disagree with them, but I raise my voice. The same as I do around here. I express my veiws and belifs, which some may look like spam while other finds matters to discuss with me on.

I don't claim my belifs to be superior or even smart, I just explains what I think about something. If you look upon it as spam because someone else has said something before, so be it. If we should not speak about things that has been spoken about before, then we could not speak at all.
The Very End
S3 licensed
SOoo, let me get this straight, you call everyone that has a constructive negative veiw on the development a kid? That tells more about you than the user you aimed at. And "I AGERE" statements are so dull and borring that you can either 1: explain your opinion well, or "2: log off and go away you troll.

See what I did there? I called you a troll, the same as most of you calls us "whiners". What kind of sick enviroment has this forum become, where we canot express the opinions without getting nailed to the god damn Scirocco cross for the 8th deadly sin "DO NOT TALK CRAP ABOUT LFS" ?

It's not about money, value or what not - I both got the enjoyment, value, money and so on from LFS by far. For many years I have enjoyed the game, yes MANY, but as time moves on you veiw things differently, you grown up and you changes opinions and tastes.
Saying LFS is still "the best" out there is... it's mad men's talk. Now there are so many games that beats LFS to it socks in various areas, and others claiming something else is either in denial or just too stubborn to realize it.

I agree LFS offers, still today, a great allround package, good at every aspect but not great at any (in todays standards).
* Graphics - they are nice, but old
* Multiplayer code - they are still pretty damn good, but it's not the best thing around
* Interface, looks, astetics, designs and so on - it's really falling behind here, compared to other games
* Development - close to none
* Dialoge between users / developers - catastrophal

So as said before, the game is good, but very much outdated. It's too starting to coming to surface that the devs really are feed up by much of it's community, and therfor treats 'em like that too (feed up).

I'm happily taking an disccussion any day about these things, with people who are worth it. Hoshimodo you got a free cookie, you made me tip just over the edge with your god damn "I agree, u suck" type of comment, and made me ramble on about what I think about LFS these days. Maybe it was a little uncalled for and maybe it was unfair that this ragemonster whent full retard mode on you (for that I'm sorry :/ )

Fact is, either the devs can start treating the community they have nice, or they can simply - as most of it's user base, disapear.
What had LFS been without the community which made things like Highres textures when the devs could not be arsed to do it themself? What would LFS be without advanced insim and tracking systems (do I need to mention CTRA?) made by the community? What would LFS be without the organized races and leagues by the community?
It would be something, sure, but I doubt it would have reached anywear near the status it got thanks to the community. Where the devs failed the community pulled through and made it live long, sadly it canot continue like it. Show us the propper respect and start talking about the god damn things you do Scawen, Eric and Victor. Don't say crap like "things we work on", "the wheeels are round" , do actions. Show us and talk with us.

Edit: And the actions done instead of complaining (refering to adults taking actions)? Moved on, as most users did. But the child inside me still hopes for an update, therfor I keep coming back to this forum to have a discussion, chat or whatnot with the community that once were a great bunch of nice people. The community today is but a shadow of it's former self. It got mistreaten from the inside, and got left in the dark by the devs.
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
But someone said that after patch the ini had changed to a other value. Or does this other value means that it does standard the game to a good amount of pre-render frame?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Great, thanks, I'll create a separate profile for AC then
The Very End
S3 licensed
If I start using value as 1 global setting, how does it affect other games that is not sims? Will it look awkward or result in rendering errors?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Is that what was on 3 before in AC files, and then we changed to 1 in the ini's before patch?
The Very End
S3 licensed
How do you force the pre-render thingy with Nvidia's controll panell? And what should be an allround good setting?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :That's fine. He likes your butthole, not you.

Depends which one we are refering to. Often my mouth and my butthole gets mixed up, since both is spewing out shit.
The Very End
S3 licensed
But it's not all about the graphics, AC actually performs good in terms of physics and value. As you say there will be people stuck on LFS due to computer problems, but I don't think that it will be many. Most will surely go to AC if the MP is great. Also beeing in constant development gives and immage of an expanding and improving game, rather than staling and slowly crawling to a stop like a certain other game
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from th84 :I like pie.....

And TVE.

I like your penis, not you.
The Very End
S3 licensed
I have no idea, probally one of the devs beeing a crybaby again or something
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :yay year of birth

I was not even born at that time god damnit!
The Very End
S3 licensed
It's like my penis and sex life in general, rough but idle.
Would love to cut the idle!
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Yeah, shame it wasn't black. As I am an sucker for mean black looking things the silver is .. meh

Good side tho! The silver is more "dark" than what appears on the pictures, so its cool
Drove it for a trip today, snowwy and sheit, got it down to 0.51 liters of fuel on each 10 km But if I dare to use some trottle it all goes to shit
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from FPVaaron :What do you mean? The Hyundai 1.8 makes more power than the Mazda 2L. And to be honest the Hyundai is a better car to drive with more technology than the Japanese counter parts.

My old car was an Hyundai Atos which had 51BHP ;p Comfort was none

Aaand I have desided! Bought myself a mazda from desember 2011 with only 12000 km done. Link (norwegian) to pictures and so for it:
The Very End
S3 licensed
Thanks for imputs
I'v been in various meetings all day and test driver various cars to get some impressions. What I'm left with is that I might consider rather buying an 2012-2013 modell of either Toyota Auris or Mazda. They are pretty similar today but A LOT cheaper. Also they have good gurantees aswell. Going to check out more tomorrow and how it all is

Der Butz - Yes haha, my poor car is really slowly dying now :]
The Very End
S3 licensed
Still looks better than my current car
The Very End
S3 licensed
Thanks for the inputs guys
In terms of service and parts prices they seems pretty similar for all the "cheap" brands. The Citroen is also nice and economic cars, and I was at some point wondering if I should buy a used one, but after some thinking I whent for the idea of buying one instead of regullary having to fix and replace the cars

BMWs here in Norway er expensive, unless you got for the 80's version ;p But they need so much care that I would lack both the skills needed for that and probally money in the long run
The Very End
S3 licensed
Lol do even people buy something else than manual?
And RWD is more expensive and mostly impossible to find these days :/
The Very End
S3 licensed
Lol it is a little late for that, you have seen my current vechicle the Huynday? ;p It cannot get worse than that haha
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well, I have an habbit of beeing too focused on just one point if I like it, and by doing that I sometimes tend to do stupendous things
So basically I was hoping that either people would confirm it seems like a good buy, or if there are some serious downsides with this car that could make it beeing an horrible experience.
Or maybe even someone have a better idea for a somewhat cheap, economical and O.K looking car?